Sabancı Climate Ventures

Fund Mission

We invest in disruptive startups that will create a new energy value chain and support entrepreneurs in building successful business models leveraging the know-how of an established utility player and bridging the gap between emerging and developed markets. 

Fund Mandate

We enable the Sabancı portfolio to have exposure to future disruptions in Energy & Climate Technologies, create access to and engagement with the external innovation ecosystem, and explore new business-model concepts.

Value Proposition To Startups

You have an acceleration, piloting, and commercialization partner in a vibrant emerging market.

You can access multiple generation technologies (Visit Enerjisa Üretim)  and a +10M user base in the electricity value chain.

You can build relationship building and gain expertise from leaders of Turkey’s largest private utility player (Visit Enerjisa Enerji).

Value Extraction

We promote strong collaboration with Sabancı Group companies through dedicated platform teams to pilot and scale startup concepts/products.

Investment Themes

We focus our energy and capital on a few areas where we believe disruption potential and Sabancı strategic fit are the highest:

  • Energy storage and battery technology
  • Smart grid management and analytics
  • Energy efficiency and Energy SaaS
  • EV infrastructure
  • ESG software and Carbon accounting
  • Geothermal energy
  • Hydrogen energy
  • Solar energy
  • Fusion energy

Investment Stages

With Series A and B investments, we focus on maximizing the value potential of startups and Sabancı.

With selective Seed investments, we believe we’ve found the “next big disruption”.

With rare Series C investment, we see spot-on strategic and operational fit.

Access to Funds

Part of the fund is allocated to other funds to have access to deal flow and investments beyond the fund’s mandate.

These relationships should be strategic, seeking observer seats and access to deal flow.

Geographical Focus

We target US and Europe as the primary Energy and Clean Tech ecosystem centers.